Top 5 SEO Tactics for 2021

Top 5 SEO Tactics for 2021

We are about to share our top five SEO tactics for 2021.

Now, these are tactics that you should not ignore and they’re gonna be essential for you to succeed this year.

And as you’ve noticed, this isn’t an article posted in 2020 and have simply changed the title because I was too lazy to create a new one. So, Lets Begin

My first recommendation is to pay attention to Core Web Vitals.

May 2021 has introduced core web vitals into the algorithm. Meaning your scores in these categories are gonna influence your rankings.

My favourite place to check core web vitals is in GTmetrix.

You can run Lighthouse directly from Google Chrome, but I prefer GTmetrix because it lays out the three most important metrics:

Core Web Vitals Report by GTmetrix
  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures how quickly users see the content.
  2. Total Blocking Time (TBT) tells you how much time is blocked by scripts during your page load.
  3. Cumulative Layouts Shift (CLS) measures how elements on your page move around when it loads.

And all three of these can correspond to a crappy user experience. if not optimized. So get it done.

My next tip is to double down on Backlinks.

Google has shown us in its last core algorithm updates that they still care a lot about authority. Just check out the search result for a review of a male enhancement pill. We start up with some ads at the top, then we see our familiar friend, Amazon, and then we find multiple articles, followed by associated press. And as you guessed that these domains don’t share much relevance at all with the topic of male virility, nor do they want to, probably. But Google is ranking them anyways because of their links.

So in 2021, I’m putting a tremendous focus on my link building, particularly getting links from authoritative websites.

Tactic number three also involves doubling down. But this time, with content generation.

Website is ranking higher than you in Google? You have better links, you have better content, your site is technically better. Do yourself a favour and check to see how many pages this website has. And then check to see how much internal linking they have to the pages you’re competing on. There’s a good chance they’re just beating you.

When you have a huge website focused on a particular topic, Google starts to consider you to be an authority on that topic. It’s called topical relevance. In a nutshell, just make bigger websites. 

You can use a tool like Surfers Content Planner to map out huge silos and interlink their pages together.

My fourth piece of advice is to focus on user experience metrics, particularly bounce rate.

When a user will click on your page and then immediately go back to the search result because they didn’t like what they saw. This typically signifies that the user didn’t find what they were looking for, they didn’t get an answer to the search query and had to go back to the Google search result to find something.

And Google is gonna start paying more and more attention to this.

There’s a war going on in 2021. And it’s for everyone’s attention. Google competes with so many addictive social media platforms. They’ve recognized the need to deliver a high-value user experience to keep people on their platform.

So work on that bounce rate, get search intent correct, be clear above the fold that your article answers the search query, and give people that answer sooner rather than later. If you make your readers work for it, they’re just gonna find another webpage that gives them their answer faster. So don’t do that.

My final piece of advice is to always portray your website as a real brand.

You always want to look like you’re a real business and not just a little rinky-dinky website, one of the millions launched every day.

Maybe your website is a digital storefront for a real physical business. You still need to show Google that it is. 

So how do we do that? Build out your about page and feature multiple people that comprise the team that runs this business, have multiple ways of contacting you through the website, multiple emails for different departments at this business, a phone number, an address, think about it. The ultimate goal of a real business is to give you multiple different ways for you to contact them so they can do business with you.

It’s only affiliate sites and maybe PayPal support, and probably Facebook support that don’t give a crap about this. You can also get a Google My Business even if you’re an affiliate website.

And remember to build out all your social profiles, your Facebook page, your Twitter page, your YouTube, your LinkedIn, Pinterest, all that kinda stuff and tie that all together with schema on the website.

So, These are the Top 5 tactics for SEO in 2021. Share your thoughts and views about these tips and Good Luck.

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